Thirst for Health: Why Hydration is Vital for Whole Body Wellness
Hydration is key to whole body wellness and many Americans are severely dehydrated. Staying hydrated is essential for overall wellness. Proper hydration helps the body to regulate and maintain many of the body's functions.
Dehydration can affect the autonomic nervous system, pushing it towards sympathetic dominance. In this blog post, we'll share tips to improve your hydration quantity and quality.
6 Tips for Restorative Sleep
Making an effort to improve your sleep quality can have big payoffs including elevated and balanced mood and sustainable energy and strength throughout the day. Here are some keys to restful sleep:
Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening
Establish a consistent sleep schedule
Wind down with relaxing activities
Take a break from blue lights
Sleep in a dark, cold, quiet room
Expose your eyes to sunlight when you wake up in the morning
Benefits of Deprescribing
SSRIs can be helpful, even life-saving, for some. But for many others, their negative side effects and lack of efficacy leave clients feeling stuck - staying on them doesn’t make them feel better but when they try to get off they feel worse.
Mona Adamszek, psychiatric nurse practitioner, specializes in ‘deprescribing’, the process of slowly titrating along with lifestyle changes to help you get through the withdrawal symptoms. Adding nutritional and nutraceutical changes, with guidance from Cyndi, can make this process easier.