Relax & Renew: A 5-Minute Mindful Breathing Guided Meditation

According to

“Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.”

Got it? We have the ability to be fully present, so just do it…be aware of what's going on around in you and around you and don’t get overly reactive or overwhelmed…easy, right?

Nope, mindfulness is not that easy because our modern human society has gotten so fast, complicated and removed from nature that we need to do lots of brain exercises, such as meditation, so we can cultivate our natural human ability to be fully present without judgment or overreactions.

Mindful awareness can connect us to the messages our body is trying to tell us; mindfulness can help us to be aware of our internal voice that is super judgy and harsh; and mindful self compassion can help soothe our discomfort when we make mistakes.

Taking a minimum of 5 minutes every day (or as many as you can do a week), to sit with your breath, your body, and your thoughts (allowing the thoughts to come and go) can build the ability to become more present of what is going on TO us, WITHIN us and AROUND us.

This 5-minute mindful breathing guided meditation is my gift to you. My hope is that it will serve to jump start your meditation practice and help your body connect into a sense of ease and comfort by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

Let Us Help You Flourish

At Flourish! we take an integrative approach to treating clients through mindfulness-based psychotherapy, nutritional services, and wellness consultations. A holistic approach allows us to provide individualized treatment, customized to the needs of each client. By evaluating the whole person, we’re able to get to the root cause of your symptoms and provide the most effective treatment plan so that you can live a fuller, happier life.

The most important value that all of our practitioners share: mindfulness. We believe mindfulness is key to cultivating well-being, but we understand that getting there often requires the guidance of an experienced and trusted facilitator.

If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or a mood disorder, coupled with chronic illness and/or digestive problems, you could benefit from the integrative nutrition and mindfulness-based treatment options available at Flourish!


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