Mindfulness meditation can improve brain functioning and mood

The number of mindfulness studies have experienced a surge in the last 20 years—in 1999 there was hardly any scientific research in the field. 

Mindfulness meditation is now regarded as an effective, evidence-based treatment that can improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

Brain imaging research has shown that regularly practicing mindfulness is associated with beneficial changes in the activation of certain parts of the brain.

By choosing one object of focus—such as the breath—those who practice mindfulness meditation observe and acknowledge the mind wandering, then return their focus to their breath.
Using visualization techniques and/or mantras can aid in the process of letting the thoughts go as they arise, in order to return to the target.
What makes this practice so effective?

  • The practice helps reset the balance in the brain that is often disrupted by ruminating thoughts—such as worrying about the future (anxiety) or dwelling on the past (depression).

  • Mindfulness is a way to soften, dampen, or quiet that internal chatter and return to the present moment.

  • Over time, it can also help people respond (rather than react) to stress by allowing for a pause between the triggering thought or emotion and their response.

You can experience the benefits of mindfulness by practicing for just 5-10 minutes a day, every day. Click here to go to our recorded audio meditations.


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