Feels Are Real… Thoughts? Not So Much.
Most people try to intellectually analyze the thoughts hoping to ‘solve’ the circulating thoughts so they will stop. But how would we know if our analysis with a solution is right or wrong if we don’t even know if the thought is accurate to begin with? By putting space between our thoughts and reality, becoming aware of what we are feeling and how the emotion is influencing our thought patterns, we can decrease the discomfort from intrusive thought patterns.
Feeling the feels, without negative judgment, is healthy !
Allowing yourself to feel both positive and negative emotions is healthy. Dr. Dan Siegel’s research on ‘Name it to tame it’ was groundbreaking in its use of fMRI images showing the disengagement of the brain’s amygdala when emotions are labeled and talked about. Now new research with nearly 1,700 participants over a five year period also showed healthy psychological outcomes for those who allow both negative and positive emotions to be felt and experienced.